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WPE Warhawks

WPE Warhawks Contact Information

Mailing Address
Western Pennsylvania Elite Warhawks
707 Grove Street
Aliquippa, PA  15001

Phone Number:  (724)888-0868 (Jason Harvey, President)
Phone Number: (412)719-3409 (Kara Quevi, Secretary/Treasurer)
Email Address:  
[email protected]

Have a Question, Comment, or Suggestion?
Just need to get in touch with us?  Let us know, we want to hear from you!

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Coaches and Administration

Jason Harvey            Charles Pope                                               Jonathan Harvey                                   Xiyrail Barnat
Head Coach and President            Coach and Vice President                           Coach and Board Member                   Coach and Board Member

Richard Banks

Coaching Bios

Head Coach Jason Harvey (President) has been coaching since 1997.  He coached for 20 years for the Aliquippa Lil Quips and 2 years for Ambridge, and each of those 22 years resulted in winning seasons.  In addition, from 2015 to 2018 he won three consecutive championship games.  In 2018, he also took WPE to it's first National Championship game win.  His longest game-winning-streak so far has been 63 games in a row.  He is also the Western Pennsylvania Region Scout for the Hall of Fame Academy.

Coach Charles Pope (Vice President) has been coaching since 2004.  He has coached for a total of 10 years, all for the Aliquippa Lil Quips, and took four years off to support his son while he was playing football in college.  He also has coached winning seasons for all 10 years, won the championship game in 2018, and he also coached WPE to it's first National Championship game win in 2018.  He currently works full-time in a school as a Teaching Assistant Supervisor.

Coach Richard Banks (Offensive Coach) has been coaching since 2006.  He has coached for a total of 13 years, all for the Aliquippa Lil Quips, and has four championship wins with the Twerp team and three championship wins with the Termite team.  All of his 13 years resulted in winning seasons for the teams.  His longest game-winning-streak so far has been 63 games in a row.  He currently works full-time as a Machinist.

Coach Jonathan Harvey (Board Member) has been coaching since 2013.  He has coached for a total of 6 years and he has coached with Jason Harvey and Richard Banks for the Aliquippa Lil Quips.  He, too, has had 6 winning seasons, three consecutive championship games (2015-2018), and he also coached WPE to it's first National Championship game win in 2018.  His longest game-winning-streak so far has been 63 games in a row.  He currently works full-time as a laborer.

Coach Xiyrail Barnat (Board Member) has been coaching since 2018.  2018 was his first year coaching football for the Aliquippa Lil Quips after he graduated from high school and went off to college.  He has one winning season and one championship game (2018) under his belt and looks forward to many more.  He currently works full-time for the Water Authority and intends to become a police officer after college.